Our activities are group-based giving everyone the opportunity to communicate, make new friends, and sharpen social skills. Through our interactive program, our activities improve the body, and mind.
Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where people can be themselves and participate in a variety of stimulating activities. We constantly adapt to build a strong, and safe community for all.

Power Buddies is a program designed to embrace the physical and mental diversity of every participant, by creating a personalized experience highlighting each of their abilities.
We strongly believe that the benefits of an active lifestyle are tremendous. Everyone knows that physical activity is essential for a healthy body, but it also improves mental wellbeing such as enhancing your mood, concentration, and self-esteem while reducing anxiety.

MUHAN PATEL, founder
As a physical education student at McGill University, I've always had a passion for fitness.
During the pandemic in-person activities for neurodivergent young adults were difficult to organize due to the restrictions. I decided to form an experienced team of fun individuals to help keep us all socially and physically active over Zoom. Now we are gathering virtually and in person to provide a variety of activities and maximize the fun!
Whether it be mental or physical, individuals with disabilities have always inspired me. My childhood hero, Terry Fox, made me realize that the human body is capable of exceptional things regardless of its disadvantages. In 2018, I wanted to use my abilities to give back and helped assemble The Montreal Runners, a team of 6 members who ran from Montreal to Vancouver to raise money for cancer research.
My experience with adapted education began afterwards, also in 2018. I became a coach for an adapted basketball team and loved it. I immediately applied to work at Peterhall School as a Care Provider and Teacher's Aid also in 2018. Since then I've worked as a private shadow, a "Y at home" fitness specialist for Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA, a camp staff for "Avodah" at Camp B'nai Brith and YCC family camp.
And now here I am, learning, moving and having fun with Power Buddies!